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The following are some at-home treatments that may help fade or remove sunspots on your face:
Aloe vera. Studies have found that aloesin and aloin, which are active compounds found in aloe vera plants, can lighten sunspots and other hyperpigmentation.
Licorice extract. Some of the active ingredients in licorice extract may help lighten sunspots and other skin discoloration aggravated by sun exposure, such as melasma, which is common in pregnant women and referred to as “the mask of pregnancy.” Many topical creams for lightening sunspots include licorice extract.
Vitamin C. This natural antioxidant has several benefits when it comes to your skin and the sun. Topical L-ascorbic acid protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays, promotes collagen production, and has been found to be effective in lightening dark spots.
Vitamin E. A diet rich in vitamin E, and taking a vitamin E supplement, offers protection against sun damage and can improve your skin’s health, especially when taken together with vitamin C. Applying vitamin E oil provides even more benefits for your skin against sun damage and may help lighten sunspots.
Apple cider vinegar. Acetic acid, which is found in apple cider vinegar, may help lighten skin pigmentation and improve the overall appearance of your skin.
Green tea. Some websites suggest that applying green tea bags to the skin can help fade sunspots. While there isn’t any scientific evidence specifically on the effectiveness of green tea bags, green tea extract has been shown to have a depigmenting effectTrusted Source.
Black tea water. A 2011 studyTrusted Source found that black tea water had a skin-lightening effect on tanned spots on guinea pigs when applied twice daily, six days a week over four weeks.
Red onion. Dried red onion skin contains ingredients that could lighten the skin, according to a study published in 2010.
Lemon juice. Lemon juice has long been used as a home remedy for lightening hair and skin, and is a common ingredient in skin lightening creams. While many will swear by lemon juice’s ability to fade sunspots, lemon juice is acidic and can cause drying as well as irritate the skin and eyes.
Buttermilk. The lactic acid in buttermilk may help lighten sunspots when applied to the skin.
Milk. Just like buttermilk, milk is high in lactic acid that may help lighten sunspots. Sour milk has been shown effective in treating skin discoloration.
Honey. Full of antioxidants, honey has been used in skin products for years. It is believed to promote new cell growth and may help fade sunspots when applied to the skin.
Over-the-counter creams. There are many topical creams available over the counter that you can apply at home to remove sunspots on your face. Look for creams containing glycolic acid, hydroxy acid, hydroquinone, kojic acid, or deoxyarbutin.